Character of a happy man Class-10th poem-1 pseb part-1

Character of a happy man
  Questions/ Answers
 1.     What does the poet want to say in the poem?
Ans.  In this poem, the poet wants to describe those virtues which enable a person to lead a happy life. Honesty, righteousness, self-satisfaction and devotion to God are some virtues of the character of a happy man. We should not be a slave of passions. We should be content with whatever little we have.
2.     Write a note on the central idea of the poem.
Ans. The central idea of this poem is that a happy man is nobody’s slave. He is honest, truthful and God-fearing. He is free from worldly troubles and anxieties. He knows no hear, and he is his own master. He is jealous of none . He is content with whatever little he has. He follows the path of goodness.
3.Explain the lines. ‘‘Whose armour is his honest thought and simple truth his utmost skill!”
Ans. The happy man is honesty and truthful. He never deceives anybody, and he never tells a lie. He does not need any armour for his defence. Honesty is his means of self-defence, and truth is his best skill for doing his work in this world.
4.How does a man become really happy?
Ans. A man can become really happy if he determines to have no matter and become free from passion. He should be honest, truthful, sincere, hard-working and free from jealously and fears. He should become his own master. That is the secret of happiness.
5.How does ‘a religious book or a friend’ give happiness?
Ans. A religious book teaches many useful lessons. The book teaches to shun evil and follow the path of good. It keeps us on the right path. The same is true of the company of a friend.  From the company of a true friend, you get the same peace of mind and happiness that a religious book gives you. Thus, they give us happiness of the purest kind.

6.     How does a contented man have all without having anything?
Ans. A contented man desires nothing more than what he has. He is not ambitious. He is free from jealously. He is not afraid of anything. He is self- sufficient. So he has everything.


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