Class 8th topic childhood listening skill

Listening Practice
Listen to the audio carefully and fill in the blanks with correct option:
{Audio Text: This lesson is…..….my twelfth year.}
1) This lesson is an extract from Gandhiji's autobiography titled 'The story of My Experiments with …………”
 a) truth b) life c)science
 2) Here he describes some incidents of his ____________.
 a) childhood b)school life c) journey
 3) Gandhiji was then about _____________ years old..
 a) twelve b)thirteen c)eleven
 4) The incidents he describes had a deep impression on his young……….
 a) mind b) soul c) body
 5) Read these incidents and think how ________________ Gandhiji was from the other children of his age.
 a) similar b)intelligent c)different
 6) I must have been about seven when my ………….. left Porbandar.
a) mother b) father c)brother
 7) There I was put into a …………… school.
 a) primary b)upper primary c)nursery
 8) I can well recollect the names and other particulars of the ________________
 who taught me.
 a) teachers b) professors c) gurus
 9) I was only a mediocre _____________ and there was hardly anything to note
 about my studies.
 a) child b) student c) kid
 10) From this school I went to a middle school and from there to a ____________
 school. By now I had reached my twelfth year.
 a) high b) senior secondary c) primary
Speaking Practice
1. The teacher will ask these questions to the students.
i. Which is your favourite TV program?
ii. What does your mother do in the morning?
iii. When does she get up?
iv. Does she go for a walk?
v. Do you spend time with your father?
2. Speak at least five sentences on the picture with the help of the words given below.
 Classroom
 classmates
 study
 daily habit
 books
 home work
 hard work


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